Healing Hearts and Changing Lives

Oasis of Hope is a ministry dedicated to.... those caught up in the human trafficking industry.... Oasis of Hope is a safe haven for those to come and be restored in body, mind and soul through the saving power of Jesus Christ

Thursday, November 3, 2011

We need your help!!!

Although the building project is coming to a near end we are falling short of finances to complete.. I know that God hasn't brought us this far to stop now. We are in need of a water treatment system which we really hadn't planned on and also the kitchen flooring and bathroom flooring needs to be purchased the water treatment systems cost will be approximately $2,500.00 and the flooring another $2,000.00. We are still planning on trying to open by the end of this month. I would ask you to please consider donating to this worthy cause.. Maybe your church could do a fund raiser. I would be more than happy to come and share about human trafficking at your church. I know that God is faithful... and I believe that He will do a total miracle in finances. Please join with me in prayer for this and if you can donate send to Oasis of Hope P.O.Box 406 Troy, Pa. 16947. No gift is too small. Thanks so much for standing with us and partnering with Oasis. God's blessings on you.. ~debbie~

Sunday, October 30, 2011


So much has happened here at Oasis. It is so exciting to see the hand of God on every little thing that is being done here. We had an amazing group of people here this last week from Christ Community Church located in Ridgeville Corners, Ohio. They drove a good 7 hours to be here to put siding on the house and finish painting some bedrooms upstairs. Another group from York, Pa. also was here and a new friend of Oasis Sheleen Weaver from Lancaster, Pa. The group from Ohio had the pleasure of working in all of the wonderful weather from sunshine to freezing rain, to snow. Even though the weather was frightful they worked day and night putting siding on the house. The dedication from this group of people was amazing. I know that they will be life time friends to Oasis. So if you are ever in Ridgeville Ohio..make sure and look up Christ Community Church.. you won't be sorry, you will meet the most amazing people who love to serve the Lord. We have just been blown away by the people that God has sent here to work. People that have no idea who we are, but because of their love of God and His Holy Spirit speaking to them they have come to be a part of what God is doing here in North Central Pa. They believe in giving of themselves. Then there are our good friends from Greece Assemblies of God in New York state with Pastor Pat leading them.. They were our first group that came to do the roof and beginning of tearing out. Some of those men have come back week after week giving of their time and talents. These guys have been so faithful and have promised to see this project through to the end..and they have been true to their word. Words cannot even begin to express my gratitude towards these men and women and youth who have sacrificed their time to come along side of us and make this vision a reality. I thank God every day for His provision on this endeavour. He truly is an amazing God and His mercy's are NEW every morning. I pray that provision will continue to come in not only in man power but as we grow closer to the time of opening this home that finances will flow in so that we can give these girls the care that they deserve because they truly are "Daddy's Girls" and I know HE wants the very best for these precious lives. I just want to say again "THANKS to my HERO'S" for coming to help rescue these girls from the clutches of satans grip, and being a part of truly setting them free in Christ~~

Friday, September 30, 2011

Beautiful Slave

As we get closer to opening up the home for minor girls caught up in sex trafficking my heart continues to break for these young beautiful slaves. I can hardly wait for the doors to open and we can open our hearts to these precious little girls who have been beaten and abused by their traffickers. I know the road won't be easy however looking past the hard hearts that they have had to create for themselves,  and looking on them as Jesus looks upon us will be one of the greatest pleasures we can have at Oasis.. and just as Jesus came to save you and me He came for these precious girls. I hope you watch this video and realize the importance of this home getting finished. We have had volunteers every weekend working diligently. Everyone of them have given their time and talents sacrificially. This weekend we will have heat in the home through our new heating system.. Roof is done, windows are in, heating and central air will be finished this weekend. Dry wall is finished upstairs and bathrooms will be done soon. Kitchen cabinets came last week.. Next weekend we should see more drywall up.. I will be posting pictures by next week. There are no words that can express my gratitude to all the wonderful volunteers... and their families for allowing their husbands to come. We have had volunteers from Ohio, New York, Connecticut, Pa. and New Jersey.. They have come from all over and it has been a wonderful experience getting to know all those faithful servants. May God bless all of them. They are all a part of breaking the chains of bondage for these "Beautiful Slaves."

Wednesday, August 3, 2011


The beginning of the renovations have begun. We have been blessed with the missions team that came from Greece Assemblies of God. How blessed we felt as around 45 men and women came to Oasis to begin to tear out and renovate the home. They removed all the old roofing and added new, they tore out the 2 old bathrooms and we are adding 2 new ones. New wiring and plumbing have been added. We are also enlarging the kitchen area to make it a teachable area for the girls. We are amazed at Gods faithfulness to this project and how He is networking us together with His people of the same mind. Together we will be able to rescue girls and restore their lives by giving them a home that they can feel safe and secure. We are hoping to be able to open in November if all continues to go as planned. More mission teams are needed. If your church has skilled carpenters, plumbers, electricians and would like to serve God by helping us renovate this home you can contact Debbie by emailing her at debbiesoasis@gmail.com.  God is so faithful and we give Him all the glory for what He has done.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

2nd Annual Oasis of Hope River Run

You won't want to miss our 2nd annual Oasis of Hope River Run on Sept.17th in York, Pa.  For more information go to www.motorcyclemonster.com and go to Events calendar and page 15 we are the 8th event on the page click on it and it will give you all the info...Hope to see you there..Ride for a great cause..If you need more info call Tracy at 717-309-6755.. Come out to support a great cause..

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Extreme Home Makeover..

We are so excited that on July 28th- August 1st there will be 50 volunteers coming to do an extreme home makeover on the existing home that has been given to Oasis to use for the home for girls. God has just been blessing the efforts towards making this home a reality and bringing in the right people to work on this project. Please pray as we get things organized. They will be replacing the roof, adding on to the existing kitchen and making it a new kitchen. Updating Bathrooms and adding 2 more. We are so excited to see things begin to happen as we continue to fight against human trafficking. I am still speaking at churches, civic groups or where ever God leads me. Please keep this mission team in your prayers for safety and for great success as they come to bless us. They will be working around the clock so please be praying for them.. We are rejoicing in the Lord for the great things He has done and IS doing..

Friday, February 18, 2011

Human Trafficking meeting to be held at Mt.Zion Retreat Center

We will be having an informative meeting on Oasis of Hope ministry on March 11th-13th. We will be sharing our vision and where we are as far as the building of the home in North Central Pa. If you would like to attend contact Debbie by emailing her at debbiesoasis@gmail.com. We will be praying and talking about what you can do to help combat human trafficking in America. Hope you can join us.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Pa. Lobby Day in Harrisburg

Now that the holidays are over, we wanted to remind you to RSVP for the 2011 Pennsylvania Lobby Day to End Human Trafficking!  Human trafficking is one of the fastest growing crimes in the world, and it happens right here in Pennsylvania to children, adults, U.S. citizens and foreign nationals.  Not only do victims experience a complete loss of freedom, but they also go through horrible physical and psychological abuse.  This is your chance to do something about it!     

Tuesday, January 25 is the Pennsylvania Lobby Day to End Human Trafficking.  Join human trafficking advocates from around the state and RSVP today!  On lobby day you will have an opportunity to advocate for legislation to clamp down on this horrific crime.  Never participated in a lobby day before?  No need to worry!  You don’t need to be an expert on human trafficking or have any lobbying experience to take part.  We will have experts on site to brief you on human trafficking, train you how to lobby your legislators, and answer any questions you may have.  All you need to do is RSVP and we will help you with the rest!

            What:  PA Lobby Day to End Human Trafficking + Press Conference
            When: 9:00 AM to 2:00 PM, January 25, 2011 (registration begins at 8:30 AM)
            Where: Room 8 E-A East Wing, Capitol Building, Harrisburg, PA 17120
            How:   Just click here to RSVP and find out more about the event.  We will do the rest!

Your presence at the Capitol is one of the most powerful ways to ensure your legislators recognize human trafficking as a serious crime and use their voices and votes to support critically needed legislation.  So grab a friend or two and join us in Harrisburg for an exciting day of advocacy to help end human trafficking in Pennsylvania!