Oasis of Hope
Healing Hearts and Changing Lives
Oasis of Hope is a ministry dedicated to.... those caught up in the human trafficking industry.... Oasis of Hope is a safe haven for those to come and be restored in body, mind and soul through the saving power of Jesus Christ
Wednesday, October 30, 2013
Jesus Friend of Sinners
Isn't it great to know that Jesus is our "Friend" I am so glad that Jesus loves the sinners and not only that but if we look into His Word we see that He loved to hang out with the sinners. He hung out with them but never participated in the sin. Once we become saved He doesn't say to us only hang out with Christians. No if we did that how would the world know Him. When He met up with the woman at the well He simply said "Go and sin no more." It isn't up to us to judge the world, but God's greatest commandment was to love one another, that doesn't just mean to love on believers but also the unbelievers. How many friends do you have that love you no matter what. I have a couple of friends that have loved me through some of my darkest times.. they have been my friends even when I didn't want them to be they still loved me. They were my friends even when I was the most unlovable. At Oasis we model Christ's example to the survivors of sex trafficking. Even though they may not want us to be their "friend" we love them and are close to them through their dark days. When they strike out at us because of the anger inside of them we still hug them and tell them we love them. When they spit at us or call us a ****ing ***ch we tell them that we understand and love them. We give them their space, but we are always there for them with a word of encouragement when they are ready to hear. Or we just sit with them quietly while they tell us their horror stories. We lay on the floor with them while they are hiding in their hiding place under their beds. We hold them in our arms when they are trying to bang their heads against the wall to hurt themselves. We read bed time stories or sing songs to them to calm their fears. All in all we just want them to see us as a their "Friend" That's how we roll here at Oasis. No high pressure preaching, No condemnation, we just keep it simple and we just walk in the footsteps of Jesus and call them "Friend"
Friday, April 12, 2013
Race for Her 5K Run/ Walk
On May 18th Race for Her will sponsor a 5K run/walk for Oasis of Hope. All proceeds will go directly to Oasis of Hope a safe haven for domestic minor sex trafficking victims.
Race Day registration starts at 7:30AM on Saturday Morning. It is located at 1449 William Penn Hwy. Mifflintown, Pa. 17059.
There will be a food stand set up for racers, onlookers, bystanders etc. on a donation basis. 100% of the donations will go towards the cause.
Early Bird Registration on or before April 15th: $25.00
Registratsion April 16th -- May 10th: $35.00
Race Day Registration : $40.00
1st and 2nd prizes for Men & Women in Running and Walking.
To Register Contact Sue Shelter
(717) 320-3180 or raceforherteam@gmail.com or facebook @ Race For Her
Monday, March 18, 2013
Just a Simple Lace Dress

Isn't it amazing what we take for granted?? I know the simplest things in life to us can be the most amazing things to those who may not have been blessed with the simple joys. That was the case when I took Harley (name has been changed to protect our guest) for a simple shopping day at the mall. We went looking for sneakers for her but as we entered the mall we had to walk through a store that had their Easter dresses out. We went by this cute little lace dress, and as I looked at Harley her eyes lit up and she smiled and said, "Wow I really like this dress!" I was shocked that she would even look at a dress as she was pretty much a jeans kind of girl.. I smiled and said, "Yes that would look great on you." We continued on to the shoe store where we looked at sneakers.. it had been a while since my kids were teens and I couldn't get over the price of these sneakers.. but Harley was looking for a deal for she just had so much money that she could spend.. She narrowed it down to 2 pairs.. after a hard decision she decided on the less expensive ones.. I was so proud of her decision.. and I let her know.. As we were walking out she said, "Can I go try on that lace dress." I smiled and thought what could it hurt.. I told her it was probably really expensive but we would go and see if they had her size she could at least try it on. She quickly found her size and went in to try it on.. I told her to let me see her when she had it on.. as she opened the door... her smile was so big.. she looked beautiful just like a little princess. She said can I buy it.. I smiled and said, "Well I don't think you probably have enough money left, how much is it?" I expected her to tell me it was a $50 to $80 but when she looked she got a big smile on her face and said $35. I couldn't believe that it was only $35. She had enough... So I told her she could.. she looked at me and said, "Well I need shoes too, I don't have any shoes for a dress." I said we could look but not to get her hopes up..She just smiled and paid the cashier for the dress and said I have $25 left. I smiled and said, "Wow you are a bargain shopper today!" We continued to look for shoes and we found a couple but, not really what she wanted..Finally we found just what "SHE" wanted..however the BOOTS, yes that's right boots that she picked out weren't exactly what I thought would go with a lace dress...however the sales lady assured me that this was the style, dresses with boots.. and Harley was determined.. after all a lot of the country western singers dress like that.. So I gave in and we came home with sneakers, boots and a lace dress... oh and .24 cents in her pocket.. Harley came home and tried on her dress with her boots.. and I must say.. it did look cute.. How beautiful she was. I can't help but think that God was blessing her with such great deals, she has come such a long ways on the road to recovery. I am so proud of every step she makes. Some days easier than others but today was a great day. A day that she could look pretty and not have to worry about what was coming next. She knows that true beauty comes from within, but a pretty lace dress can make you feel pretty on the outside too~~Harley has touched my heart more than once.. She continues to teach me the important things in life..she encourages us all with her beautiful smile and her willingness to please others. She is so selfless so I was so happy that today was a day that she could be blessed and feel beautiful on the inside and out..
Wednesday, November 14, 2012
~~So Much to be Thankful for~~
It is with great JOY that I can announce that we have finally passed all that the state requires to become a Pa. State Licensed Home. We will now open our doors Oasis on December 10th. We have so much to be thankful for. Our staff is all in place and ready to welcome with open arms these minor survivors of human trafficking. God has been so faithful to us in this journey and although this door of the journey is now closed we can focus on the new journey ahead of us. We are excited and trusting Jesus in every step of the next journey. We pray that God brings to us young girls that we can help restore. We know that it is only through Jesus Christ that these precious young girls can heal and mend. We look forward to the amazing miracles that God will perform in each of these young girls lives. We pray for reconciliation with families and also for the ones that have no families that they connect with Christian families that can help them continue on their healing journey once they leave Oasis.
It is hard to believe that it has been 2 years since I started this journey.. for those who have been following me on this blog, you know it has been quite a journey. I really thought last year at this time we would be up and running, but Gods time frame is not ours. Even when it seemed we just weren't going to make it God's Word kept us faithful until the end. I thank God for all the people that He has put in place to help with this ministry. For all the people that came to help on the building renovations. Too many to mention them all, but we have had over 200 people from 6 different states, only God could have done this! We praise God for His faithfulness and for all God's people who have given sacrificially both physically and financially.
It is hard to believe that it has been 2 years since I started this journey.. for those who have been following me on this blog, you know it has been quite a journey. I really thought last year at this time we would be up and running, but Gods time frame is not ours. Even when it seemed we just weren't going to make it God's Word kept us faithful until the end. I thank God for all the people that He has put in place to help with this ministry. For all the people that came to help on the building renovations. Too many to mention them all, but we have had over 200 people from 6 different states, only God could have done this! We praise God for His faithfulness and for all God's people who have given sacrificially both physically and financially.
Friday, July 13, 2012
~~What Does Your Day Hold~~
We all wake up each day and make our plans, but sometimes God has other plans for us.. a little over a week ago I was all excited because our 13th grand baby arrived.. Life gets so crazy and it seemed I just couldn't get away to see and hold my little man. So I decided ok this afternoon I am going to go see him. I was on my way just thinking that this is probably my last grand baby and that I needed to spend as much time with him and all my grand children as I can. Life is so short and before I know it they will all be grown up and won't want to hang out with me.. ( although I am a pretty cool Nanny~) I had my christian music on and was just thinking of all the blessings that God has given me. I noticed a camper up a head of me and my first thought was I should try to pass it or I will be behind this camper most of the way since this was the last straight stretch on this 2 lane road, but I felt God telling me.... ah just stay back and enjoy your time alone with me, so I did.. About that time I saw the camper going to the left and I thought to myself he must be having some trouble and pulling off at the school, but then as I watched the whole camper just turned and the truck was on it's side, as my eyes came back to the road I saw this vehicle sliding sideways towards me and I thought Oh my gosh I just witnessed a head on collision. I stopped my car and thought call 911, however my phone didn't have service, so I got out of the car and ran to the vehicle in front of me and found 2 young people unconscious in the vehicle, the smoke that was coming out of the car soon turned into a fire and I couldn't get the door open to get them out. I held the girls head and then saw a car coming and went out waving my hands... I started yelling we need water ..and then praying or what probably sounded like screaming.." please God we need water.. send someone with water." The lady from the other vehicle heard me and said there's water in the camper, so I went to the camper and found the water jugs, by then two other men were there trying desperately to get the door open. We started to pour water on the fire and then on the 2 victims in the vehicle.. Finally someone with a fire extinguisher came.. and then the Emergency crew. So much of it is still a blur, but the one thing I will never forget is the smell of the fire, or the helpless feeling I felt when I saw the young man and woman. I remember thinking I might watch 2 people burn alive and there is nothing I can do... They looked like they were on there way to go swimming or had been... The other vehicle was probably on there way to enjoy a 4th of July camping trip, and I was on my way to hold my grandson.... none of us reaching our destination...and none of us ever dreaming our day would end like this. With complete strangers coming together working so desperately to free a young man and a young woman that we didn't even know..
I feel that is what we are doing here at Oasis of Hope.. but the question I asked myself is this ,"Am I this desperate in rescuing these little girls from the traffickers that hold them captive?" They may not be trapped in a burning fire, but they are trapped in a life style that is really burning them alive..with NO hope for their future. After the emergency crews got there those of us that were there first just kind of stood back and watched...God showed me that this is what the body of Christ should be like, we should be like the rescue team that was there... we should be so desperate that we will do anything to save these victims of sex slavery. Little 12, 13, 14 year old girls that have been trapped into a life of bondage. We need to get out our "jaws of Life" and break open the doors and take back what the enemy has stolen. Oasis will serve as a place of healing, a place where we can bandage their wounds and let God do His miracle in them just like He has for Casey and Victoria the two victims in the burning vehicle. It has been amazing to get the reports of how Casey is healing so fast.. Only the God of the universe could have saved them and healed their broken bodies. He can do the same for these young girls that are being trafficked here in America. We the "church" need to rise up and be the loving caring church that God wants us to be, to get out of the 4 walls called the church and become the "Church" in this hurting world and share His love to hurting people.
You may ask how can I help and the answer is this.. we are in need of prayer partners, volunteers, teachers, counselors and finances. We are not government funded but run only on donations. We want to be able to give the very best care to these girls, so that they can become whole young woman that can go out into this world and enjoy a life that God has created them to enjoy. . Can you help if so please go ahead and donate, you can do so right here on this blog page. We are a 501c3 non profit so your gifts are tax deductible. Thanks so much and by the way... I finally did get to hold my grand baby and boy did I hold him tight~~~~Love you Colby Eli Colton~~
I feel that is what we are doing here at Oasis of Hope.. but the question I asked myself is this ,"Am I this desperate in rescuing these little girls from the traffickers that hold them captive?" They may not be trapped in a burning fire, but they are trapped in a life style that is really burning them alive..with NO hope for their future. After the emergency crews got there those of us that were there first just kind of stood back and watched...God showed me that this is what the body of Christ should be like, we should be like the rescue team that was there... we should be so desperate that we will do anything to save these victims of sex slavery. Little 12, 13, 14 year old girls that have been trapped into a life of bondage. We need to get out our "jaws of Life" and break open the doors and take back what the enemy has stolen. Oasis will serve as a place of healing, a place where we can bandage their wounds and let God do His miracle in them just like He has for Casey and Victoria the two victims in the burning vehicle. It has been amazing to get the reports of how Casey is healing so fast.. Only the God of the universe could have saved them and healed their broken bodies. He can do the same for these young girls that are being trafficked here in America. We the "church" need to rise up and be the loving caring church that God wants us to be, to get out of the 4 walls called the church and become the "Church" in this hurting world and share His love to hurting people.
You may ask how can I help and the answer is this.. we are in need of prayer partners, volunteers, teachers, counselors and finances. We are not government funded but run only on donations. We want to be able to give the very best care to these girls, so that they can become whole young woman that can go out into this world and enjoy a life that God has created them to enjoy. . Can you help if so please go ahead and donate, you can do so right here on this blog page. We are a 501c3 non profit so your gifts are tax deductible. Thanks so much and by the way... I finally did get to hold my grand baby and boy did I hold him tight~~~~Love you Colby Eli Colton~~
Tuesday, June 12, 2012
So Beautiful
3rd Annual River Ride Fund Raiser in York Pa. Sept. 22, 2012
Come and ride for FREEDOM..
Freedom of Human Slavery.
Help us raise money for our safe house plus raise awareness of this horrific crime against our children.
You won't want to miss this years event. Come and enjoy the beautiful ride on the river with breath taking scenery. This year we are adding kayaking and canoeing for those that don't want to ride but still would like to support Oasis of Hope.
After the ride we will be having great food and music. We are having a concert by "Shelleen" and her band. If you want to check out her music go to shelleensings.com. This year will be the biggest and best ride yet. Hope to see you, so get Sept. 22nd. saved on your calendar.
Registration begins at 9AM-10AM at Laugerman's Harley Dealership in York Pa. This years will be bigger and better.. Come help us raise money for our girls home in North Central Pa.
Keep checking back for more details.
We'll keep you posted!
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